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The Osto-EZ-Vent fits on any manufacturers' pouch. It is one of the best air release venting device which is compatible with a Colostomate or Ileostomate, one-piece, two-piece, drainable, or closed-end pouches. The EZ-Vent provides easy, quick access for a better alternative to burping or opening the bottom with less mess, less bother, and more security. It is specifically designed without a filter to quickly release air build upon demand.
Step 1: To begin, user will need:
Step 2: On the side of the bag opposite the stoma opening, above the level of the opening, rub a small area with alcohol-moistened cotton until the gloss on the pouch surface is removed.
Step 3: Peel backing from vent tape. Do not touch sticky surface.
Step 4: Open vent. Place it horizontally on the cleaned area of the pouch. With thumbs and forefingers, press all around vent base for best contact to the pouch. The vent should stick right away, however, let bond for 24hr.
Step 5: Once bonded, give the vent a slight tug test. If materials stretch as shown in the photo user have a good bond.
Step 6: Once vent is securely bonded to bag surface, bring the vent down to the pouch opening as shown in the photo, open vent and insert the narrow blade of a pair of scissors through the vent opening. Carefully twist the blade back and forth making the hole the size of the vent opening.
Step 7: Make the hole the same size as the vent opening to allow air to escape easily.
Step 8: Close vent, pouch with the attached vent is ready to wear.
Osto-EZ Vent FAQs
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